Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Girls Rule! Etiquette Imperative Workshop - For Parents By Ladon Brumfield

The Etiquette Imperative Workshop

Girls Rule! recognizes that home is a place of learning and that parents have a vital role in helping their children to master social graces and etiquette skills.

On Saturday, March 7, 2009, Girls Rule! will provide a free workshop to parents of past and present Etiquette Imperative students that will teach them etiquette and social grace training reinforcement strategies and methods to employ at home with their daughters.

Research shows that parental reinforcement of newly learned information is crucial in fostering a life-long love of learning in their children. The Girls Rule! Etiquette Imperative Workshop will give parents useful and effective tools, strategies and activities which will strengthen learning for the whole family.

Classes will be conducted on Saturday, March 7, 2009 at 12:30pm in classroom #1 at :
Martin Temple AME Zion Church,
6930 South Cottage Grove Avenue, Chicago, IL.
Registration fee: Free
This class is now full.

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